What is a Heritage Impact Statement?

A heritage impact statement (HIS) is a report that is required as part of the development application documentation for developments that is within or would impact a heritage item, and / or within a heritage conservation area. The HIS report provides heritage assessment by describing the heritage significance of the place and its history, how the proposed development affects, and the management measures proposed to mitigate negative impacts to that significance.

Works involving any of the following to a heritage item must be accompanied by a heritage impact statement:

  • Demolishing or moving a heritage item or a building, work, relic or tree within a heritage conservation area
  • Altering a heritage item or a building, work, relic, tree or place within a heritage conservation area, including (in the case of a building) making changes to the detail, fabric, finish or appearance of the exterior
  • Altering a heritage item that is a building by making structural changes to its interior;
  • Erecting a building on land on which a heritage item is located or that is within a heritage conservation area,
  • Subdividing land on which is a heritage item or within a heritage conservation area
  • Development in the vicinity of a heritage item or heritage conservation area

What must be included in a Heritage impact Statement

As a guide to the minimum information that must be included, the HIS must address the following matters:

  1. a)  the heritage significance of the building and its contribution to the heritage conservation area generally;
  2. b)  a description of the proposed works and what affect, either positive or negative, those works will have on the heritage significance of the heritage item or the heritage conservation area
  3. c)  how any negative impacts arising from the proposal will be minimised
  4.  a site context analysis, which must consider how the development will affect the setting of the heritage item or the heritage conservation area.

Additional information for demolition works

In addition, works involving demolition will need to address the following:

  1. a)  the opportunities for adaptation and whether it is economically feasible to refurbish the building;
  2. b)  whether the building or work constitutes a danger to its users, occupiers or the public;
  3. c)  whether, in the case of an application for total demolition, redevelopment is a reasonable option, having regard to heritage significance and contribution to the heritage conservation area;
  4. d)  in the case of total demolition, a Structural engineer’s report detailing the structural condition of the building and a heritage impact statement from a qualified heritage practitioner. Demolition consent may be conditional on the preparation of an archival recording of the building and its setting.

Our Experience with Heritage Impact Statements

Our Principal Planner worked as a heritage planner at Pittwater Council where he prepared statement of heritage significance and provided comments in regards to heritage impact on development application. Since leaving Council he has prepared many heritage impact statements that have resulted in positive results for his clients with their developments.

Our Process

One of the biggest factors in developments in heritage conservation areas or of heritage items is the restriction of development as a result of the cost of the heritage impact statement. We keep our fees low for our heritage impact statements so you can spend more money on your development.

We charge a fraction of what other firms charge for the same quality report and have the same success rate!

How can we help?

If you need assistance with your heritage impact statement then simply give one of our planners a call on 0432 848 467 or send us an email at email@outlookplanningdevelopment.com.au 
